
Can you fix your bad luck?

Let's take a roundabout route to this tricky and much-asked, debated question.

Why are Americans built like locomotives? Why are the Chinese good at martial arts? Why are Africans so good on their feet?

It’s all got to do with those ladder-shaped double helixes called genes.

The seed is the dormant and un-manifested form of a tree, wrote Adi Sankara in Tattva Bodha, a treatise on the ‘nature of truth’ circa 800 AD. Watson and Crick postulated the scientific theory of genetic inheritance in full scientific detail 1200 years later.

Therefore, Caucasian fetuses come with six-pack stomachs, while the Chinese ones come with fast reflexes. Akeeeiii… they go, inside their moms’ stomachs. African babies learn their shakes right from when they are just a few cells old.

So far, so good!

But, how do we explain genetic transposition caused by diseases. Diseases are supposed to be transitory in nature, right? They ‘should be’ and ‘can be’ controlled by medication, right?

So, how do we explain the phenomenon of heart disease and diabetes becoming genetically endemic? And being passed on from parent to offspring? What about cancer? What about obesity?

Well, I have an answer. It will certainly seem far-fetched, and so you may quip once I finish with this short blog.

Maybe it will take a hundred years for my theory to be accepted as science. Maybe sooner!

Well, the answer is simple. It’s all got to do with karma.

But, before we tread further, let’s do a primer on karma. Karma is energy we accumulate during our lifetime. Whenever we do something, a karmic transaction takes place within some unknown part of our presence. Notice that ‘presence’ is the operative word here, because we are present; physiologically, psychologically and karmicologically. So, the wrongs get debited and the rights get credited and the balance could be either positive or negative depending whether you are Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde. Mind you, your actions by themselves don’t count; your actions caused by negative thoughts do! So, a two-year old child that chucks a stone at somebody will not accumulate karma, but a 10-year old will!

So, negative stress caused by anger, lust, jealousy, fear and desire will cause bad karma. Therefore, if you ate that cream-filled chocolate cake and worried over the fact that your arteries were going to get worse, believe me, they will! The idea will play on your mind for a while, and you will forget about it. But, the footprint of that thought will not go away.

So, what happens to that footprint? The negative energy released by a negative footprint does not dissipate. It gets absorbed into your negative karma sink.

Now, here comes the kicker! You really have to pay attention to this.

Once your genes are loaded with your karmic content, they are loaded for good. Karma, bad or good, will be passed onto future generations as part of your genetic material. So, when you let your little swimmers at some egg out there, you are actually transferring your genetic karma to your offspring.

So, when bad things happen to us; such as a build-up of arterial plaque or growth of a malignant tumor, it happens because of someone waaaaay up in the family tree committed some bad stuff. Convenient… right?

The process described here sounds a bit too simplistic. That’s because, the karmosmotic processes described here happen at a level that is too complex to be explained in a short note. But, it is important to understand that these things happen at the genetic level.

But, can you reverse the effects of bad karma?

Absolutely!!! How? Simple, diet your karma! Do lot’s of good. If you do ‘Good’, you exorcize your bad karma from your genes; similarly if you do ‘Bad’, you will loose some of the good karma. It kinda works like the bank, you see!

Therefore, if you want to save a little something for your children, save them some good karma. Don’t let your children inherit your hyperlipidemia. Come on!!

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